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Published articles:
Trapp NT, Tsang EW, Bruss J, Russo S, Gander PE, Berger JI, Nourski KV, Rosanova M, Keller CJ, Oya H, Howard MA III, Boes AD. TMS-associated auditory evoked potentials can be effectively masked: Evidence from intracranial EEG. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation. 2024. 17(3). 616-618. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2024.05.002. PMID: 38729299
Ferguson MA, Asp EW, Kletenik I, Tranel D, Boes AD, Nelson JM, Schaper FLWVJ, Siddiqi S, Turner JI, Anderson JS, Nielsen JA, Bateman JR, Grafman J, Fox MD. A neural network for religious fundamentalism derived from patients with brain lesions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024. 121(36). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2322399121. PMID: 39190343
Skye J, Bruss J, Toescu S, Aguilina K, Lola GB, Boes AD. Neuroanatomy of cerebellar mutism syndrome: The role of lesion location. Brain Communications. 2024. June 5. 6(4), fcae197. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.01.12.23284375. PMID: 37292697
Wang JB, Umair H, Bruss JE, Oya H, Uitermarkt B, Trapp NT, Gander P, Howard MA III, Keller CJ*, Boes AD.* Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on the human brain recorded with intracranial electrocorticography. Molecular Psychiatry. 2024. 29, 1228-2140. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.18.476811. PMID: 38317012
Solomon EA, Wang JB, Oya H, Howard MA, Trapp NT, Uitermark BD, Boes AD, Keller CJ. TMS provokes target-dependent intracranial rhythms across human cortical and subcortical sites. Brain Stimulation. 2024. 17(3), 698-712. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2024.05.014. PMID: 37645954
Published Preprints (Manuscripts under peer review):
Caffaratti H, Slater B, Shaheen N, Rhone A, Calmus R, Kritikos M, Kumar S, Dlouhy B, Oya H, Griffiths T, Boes AD, Trapp N, Kaiser M, Sallet J, Banks MI, Howard MA III, Zanaty M, Petkov CI. Neuromodulation with ultrasound: Hypotheses on the directionality of effects and a community resource. medRxiv Preprint 2024. Manuscript under peer review. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.06.14.24308829. PMID: 38947047
Griffis JC, Bruss J, Acker SF, Shea C, Tranel D, Boes AD. Iowa brain-behavior modeling toolkit: An open-source Inferential and predictive modeling of imaging-behavior and lesion-deficit relationships. BioRxiv Preprint 2024. Manuscript under peer review. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.31.606046. PMID: 39131280
Gelineau-Morel R, Dlamini N, Bruss J, Cohen AL, Robertson A, Alexopoulus D, Smyser CD, Boes AD. Network localization of pediatric lesion-induced dystonia. medRxiv Preprint 2024. Manuscript under peer review. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.04.06.24305421. PMID: 38645071
Olafson ER, Sperber C, Jamison KW, Bowren MD, Boes AD, Stroke Enigma Group, Liew SL, Kuceyeski A. Data-driven biomarkers outperform theory-based biomarkers for predicting stroke motor outcomes. BioRxiv Preprint 2023. Manuscript under peer review. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.19.545638
Sullivan A, Johnson MK, Boes AD, Tranel D. Implications of age at lesion onset for neuropsychological outcomes: A systematic review focusing on focal brain lesions. Cortex. 2023. 163, 92-122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2023.03.002. PMID: 37086580
Brandt E, Singh S, Bowren M, Bhagvathi A, Tranel D, Boes AD. The role of gender in cognitive outcomes from stroke. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2023. Feb 14:1–7. PMID: 36781414
Trapp NT, Bruss JE, Manzel K, Grafman J, Tranel D, Boes AD. Large-scale lesion symptom mapping of depression identifies brain regions for risk and resilience. Brain. 2023. Oct 1. 146; 1672-1685. PMID: 36181425
Albazron FM, Trapp NT, Tranel D, Howard MA 3rd, Boes AD. Amygdala lesions are associated with improved mood after epilepsy surgery. Brain Structure and Function. 2023. Feb 24. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36826513
Talozzi L, Forkel SJ, Pacella V, Nozais V, Allart E, Piscicelli C, Pérennou D, Tranel D, Boes AD, Corbetta M, Nachev P, de Schotten MT. Latent disconnectome prediction of long-term cognitive-behavioural symptoms in stroke. Brain. 2023. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36928757
Jiefeng J, Bruss JE, Lee WT, Tranel D, Boes AD. White matter disconnection of left multiple demand network explains post-lesion deficits in cognitive control. Nature Communications. 2023; 14: 1740. Published online 2023 Mar 29. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37330-1. PMID: 36990985
Skye J, Bruss J, Herbet D, Tranel D, Boes AD. Localization of a Medial Temporal Lobe – Precuneus Network for Time Orientation. Annals of Neurology. In Press.
Nagle A, Gerrelts JP, Krause BM, Boes AD, Bruss JE, Nourski KV, Banks MI, Van Veen B. High-dimensional multivariate autoregressive model estimation of human electrophysiological data using fMRI priors. Neuroimage. 2023, 277.
Reasoner BD, Boes AD, Geerling JC. Sustained, Effortless Weight Loss after Damage to the Left Frontoinsular Cortex: A Case Report. Case Rep Neurol. 2023, 15(1), 63 – 68.
Banks MI, Krause BM, Berger G, Campball DI, Boes AD, Bruss JE, Kovach CK, Kawasaki H, Steinschneider M, Nourski KV. Functional geometry of auditory cortical resting state networks derived from intracranial electrophysiology. PLoS Biology. 2023, 21(8)
Trapp NT, Pace BD, Neisewander B, Eyck PT, Boes AD. A randomized trial comparing Beam F3 and 5.5 cm targeting in rTMS treatment of depression demonstrates similar effectiveness. Brain Stimulation. In Press.
Muller Ewald V, Trapp NT, Sarrett ME, Pace BD, Wendt L, Richards J, Gala L, Miller J, Wessel J, Magnotta V, Wemmie J, Boes AD, Parker K. Supra-second interval timing in bipolar disorder: examining the role of disorder sub-type, mood, and medication status. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. In Press.
Jiang, J., Bruss, J., Lee, WT. et al. White matter disconnection of left multiple demand network is associated with post-lesion deficits in cognitive control. Nat Commun 14, 1740 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37330-1
Chan D, Suk HJ, Jackson BL, Milman NP, Stark D, et al. (2022) Gamma frequency sensory stimulation in mild probable Alzheimer’s dementia patients: Results of feasibility and pilot studies. PLOS ONE 17(12): e0278412. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0278412.
Grady FS, Boes AD, Geerling JC. A Century Searching for the Neurons Necessary for Wakefulness. Front Neurosci. 2022 Jul 19;16:930514. PMID: 35928009. grady_boes_geerling_2022.pdf
Cotovio G, Boes AD, Press DZ, Olveira-Maia AJ, Pascual-Leone A. In Older Adults the Antidepressant Effect of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Is Similar but Occurs Later Than in Younger Adults. Aging Neurosci. 2022 Jul 19;14:919734. PMID: 35928992. cotovio_et_al_2022.pdf
Yeager BE, Bruss J, Duffau H, Herbet G, Hwang K, Tranel D, Boes AD. Central precuneus lesions are associated with impaired executive function. Brain Struct Funct. 2022 Dec;227(9):3099-3108. PMID: 36087124. yeager_et_al_2022.pdf
Brandt EM, Trapp NT, Boes AD, Tranel D. Depression symptoms in neurological patients: A survey of a large cohort of patients with focal brain lesions. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2022. Sep;44(7):499-513. PMID: 36148958. brandt_et_al._2022.pdf
Trapp NT, Bruss JE, Manzel K, Grafman J, Tranel D, Boes AD. Large-scale lesion symptom mapping of depression identifies brain regions for risk and resilience. Brain. 2022 Oct 1:awac361. doi: 10.1093/brain/awac361. PMID: 36181425. trapp_et_al._2022.pdf
Joutsa J, Moussawi K, Siddiqi SH, et al. Brain lesions disrupting addiction map to a common human brain circuit. Nat Med. Published online June 13, 2022. joutsa_et_al._2022.pdf
Banks MI, Krause BM, Berger G, Campball DI, Boes AD, Bruss JE, Kovach CK, Kawasaki H, Steinschneider M, Nourski KV. Functional geometry of auditory cortical resting state networks derived from intracranial electrophysiology. BioRxiv Preprint. Manuscript currently under peer review.
Tish MM, Boes AD, Geerling JC. Right tegmental hemorrhage with urinary retention - a case report. Case Reports in Neurology. 2022 Feb 15;14(1):68-71. DOI: 10.1159/000521328
Spitz NA, Ten Eyck P, Nizar K, Boes AD, Trapp NT. Similar outcomes in treating major depressive disorder with 10 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) versus intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS): A naturalistic observational study. 23(2), 98 – 107, 2022. Journal of Psychiatric Practice. spitz_et_al._2022.pdf
Wang JB, Bruss J, Oya H, Uitermarkt BD, Trapp NT, Gander PE, Howard MA, Keller C, Boes AD. Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on the human brain recorded with intracranial electrocorticography: First-in-human study. bioRxiv preprint. wang_et_al._2022.pdf
Barrash J, Bruss J, Anderson SW, Kuceyeski A, Manzel K, Tranel D, Boes AD. Lesions in different prefrontal sectors are associated with different types of acquired personality disturbances, Cortex, Volume 147, 2022, Pages 169-184, ISSN 0010-9452. barrash_2022.pdf
Reber J, Hwang K, Bowren M, Bruss J, Mukherjee P, Tranel D, Boes AD. Cognitive impairment after focal brain lesions is better predicted by damage to structural than functional network hubs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. May 2021, 118 (19) e2018784118. reber_et_al_2021.pdf
Olafson ER, Jamison KW, Sweeney EM, et al. Functional Connectome Reorganization Relates to Post-Stroke Motor Recovery and Structural Disruption. Neuroscience; 2021. olafson_et_al_2021.pdf
Bormann NL, Trapp NT, Narayanan NS, Boes AD. Developing Precision Invasive Neuromodulation for Psychiatry. JNP. 2021;33(3):201-209.bormann_et_al_2021.pdf
Hwang K, Shine JM, Bruss J, Tranel D, Boes AD. Neuropsychological Evidence of Multi-Domain Network Hubs in the Human Thalamus. Neuroscience; 2021. hwang_et_al_2021.pdf
Chan D, Suk H-J, Jackson B, et al. Gamma Frequency Sensory Stimulation in Probable Mild Alzheimer’s Dementia Patients: Results of a Preliminary Clinical Trial. Neurology; 2021, preprint. chan_suk_jackson_et_al_2021.pdf
Aaron D Boes. Lesion network mapping: where do we go from here? Brain. 2021;144(1):e5-e5. boes_2021.pdf
Carissa L Philippi, Joel Bruss, Aaron D Boes, Fatimah M Albazron, Carolina Deifelt Streese, Elisa Ciaramelli, David Rudrauf, Daniel Tranel. Lesion network mapping demonstrates that mind-wandering is associated with the default mode network. Neuroscience Research. 2021, 99 (1) 361-373. PMID: 32594566 philippi_et_al_2021.pdf
Zarei K, Sparr NA, Trapp NT, Neuhaus ED, Cromwell JW, Boes AD, Shinozaki G. Bispectral EEG (BSEEG) to assess arousal after electro-convulsive therapy (ECT). Psychiatry Research 2020 Jan 25;285:112811. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.112811
Ceren T, Edwards D, Boes AD, Labar D, Tsagaris KZ, Silverstein J, Pepper-Lane H, Sabuncu MR, Liu C, Kuceyeski A. Machine Learning Methods Predict Individual Upper-Limb Motor Impairment Following Therapy in Chronic Stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2020 May;34(5):428-439. DOI: 10.1177/1545968320909796
Uitermarkt, BD, Bruss, J, Hwang, K, Boes, AD. Rapid eye movement sleep patterns of brain activation and deactivation occur within unique functional networks. Hum Brain Mapp. 2020; 1–9. uitermarkt_et_al._2020.pdf
Hwang K, Bruss J, Tranel D, Boes AD. Network localization of executive function deficits in patients with focal thalamic lesions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020, 9 (1-16). DOI: 10.1162/jocn_a_01628
Bowren M Jr, Tranel D, Boes AD. Preserved Cognition after Right Hemispherectomy. Neurol Clin Pract. 2021 Dec;11(6):e906-e908. DOI: 10.1212/CPJ.0000000000001015
Boes AD. Lesion network mapping: Where do we go from here? Brain. 2021 Feb 12;144(1):e5. doi: 10.1093/brain/awaa350.
Bowren M Jr, Adolphs R, Bruss J, Manzel K, Corbetta M, Tranel D, Boes AD.
Multivariate Lesion-Behavior Mapping of General Cognitive Ability and Its Psychometric Constituents. J Neurosci. 2020.
PMID: 33046547
Nicholas T. Trapp, Joel Bruss, Marcie King Johnson, Brandt D. Uitermarkt, Laren Garrett, Amanda Heinzerling, Chaorong Wu, Timothy R. Koscik, Patrick Ten Eyck, Aaron D. Boes. Reliability of targeting methods in TMS for depression: Beam F3 vs. 5.5 cm, Brain Stimulation, 13 (3) 2020, 578-581, DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2020.01.010. trapp_et_al._2019.pdf
Fatimah M. Albazron, Joel Bruss, Robin M. Jones, Torunn I. Yock, Margaret B. Pulsifer, Alexander L. Cohen, Peg C. Nopoulos, Annah N. Abrams, Mariko Sato, Aaron D. Boes. Pediatric postoperative cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome follows outflow pathway lesions. Neurology Sep 2019, DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000008326. albazron_et_al._2019.pdf
Trapp NT, Uitermarkt BD , King-Johnson M, Koscik T, Garrett L, Heinzerling A, Zanaty M, Holland MT, Howard M*, Boes AD*. A new device to improve target localization for transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy. Brain Stimulation. 2019; In Press. *co-last trapp_et_al._2019.pdf
Hindman J, Bowren MD, Bruss J, Wright B, Geerling JC, Boes AD. Thalamic strokes that severely impair arousal extend into the brainstem. Ann Neurol. 2018;84(6):926-930. hindman_et_al._2019.pdf
Singh A, Trapp NT, De corte B, Cao S, Kingyon J, Boes AD, Parker K. Cerebellar Theta Frequency Transcranial Pulsed Stimulation Increases Frontal Theta Oscillations in Patients with Schizophrenia. Cerebellum. 2019;18(3):489-499. singh_et_al_2019.pdf
Babyar SR, Smeragliuolo A, Albazron FM, Putrino D, Reding M, Boes AD. Lesion Localization of Poststroke Lateropulsion. Stroke. 2019;50:1067–1073. babyar_et_al._2019.pdf
Hindman J*, Bowren MD*, Bruss J, Wright B, Geerling JC**, Boes AD**. Thalamic Strokes that Severely Impair Arousal Extend into the Brainstem. Ann Neurol. 2018; In Press. *Co-First; **Co-Last hindman_bowren_et_al-2018.pdf
Boes AD*, Fischer D*, Geerling JC, Bruss J, Saper CB, Fox MD. Connectivity of Sleep- and Wake-Promoting Regions of the Human Hypothalamus During Resting Wakefulness . Sleep, May 2018; *Co-First boes_fischer_et_al_2018.pdf
Boes, AD*, Uitermarkt BD*, Albazron FM, Lan MJ, Liston C, Pascual-Leone A, Dubin MJ, Fox MD. Rostral anterior cingulate cortex is a structural correlate of repetitive TMS treatment response in depression. Brain Stimulation, 2018. *Co-First boes_uitermarkt_et_al._2018.pdf
Harper K, Boes AD, Gerser R, Pascual-Leone A, Rotenberg A. Persistent uncrossed corticospinal connections in patients with intractable focal epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior. 2017 75 66-71. PMID: 28830029 kaye_et_al._2017.pdf
Kelly MS, Oliveira-Maia AJ, Bernstein M, Stern AP, Press DZ, Pascual-Leone A, & Boes, AD. Initial response to transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment for depression predicts subsequent response. Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences. 2017 29 (2) 179 -182. PMID: 27899052 kelly_et_al._2017.pdf
Fischer DB,** Boes AD,** Demertzi A, Evrard HC, Laureys S, Edlow BL, Liu H, Saper CB, Pascual-Leone A, Fox MD, Geerling JC. A human brain network derived from coma-causing brainstem lesions. 2016. 687 (23) 2427 -2434 ** Indicates authors contributed equally Fischer_Boes_2016.pdf
Boes AD, Stern AP, Bernstein M, et al. H-Coil Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Induced Seizure in an Adult with Major Depression: A Case Report. Brain Stimul. 2016 Apr 19. Boes_2016.pdf
Laganiere S, Boes AD, Fox MD. Network localization of hemichorea-hemiballismus. Neurology, 2016. 86 (23) 2187-2195. Laganiere_2016.pdf
Sutterer M, Bruss J, Boes AD, Voss MW, Bechara A, Tranel D. Canceled connections: Lesion-derived network mapping helps explain differences in performance on a complex decision-making task. Cortex, 2016, 78: 31-43. Sutterer_2016.pdf
Fischer DB, Perez DL, Prasad S, Rigolo L, O’Donnell L, Acar D, Meadows M, Baslet G, Boes AD, Golby AJ, Dworetzky, BA. Right inferior longitudinal fasciculus lesions disrupt visual-emotional integration. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2016, 11(6): 945-951. Fischer_2016.pdf
Rubio B*, Boes AD*, Laganiere S, Rotenberg A, Jeurissen D, Pascual-Leone, A: Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Pediatric ADHD: A Review. Journal of Child Neurology, 2016, 31(6), p784-796 * Indicates authors contributed equally Rubio_Boes_2016.pdf