Our Commitment to Diversity
Our lab is committed to enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion at the University of Iowa and in the field of neuroscience. A diverse and inclusive environment is essential to the happiness of our lab members and to our collective success as a research team. As such, we recruit individuals who will help us promote the ideals of a diverse workplace that is equally accessible to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or country of origin. We support and actively participate in those efforts aimed at enhancing diversity in research, ranging from undergraduate institutional programs to graduate programs and national programs.

Prospective Graduate Students
The Boes Lab: Iowa's Neuroimaging & Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Lab is open to accepting new graduate students! Students interested in joining the lab can apply to any of the graduate training areas of the Department of Psychological Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa: Cognition, Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience or Clinical Science. Dr. Aaron Boes is affiliated with the Behavioral-Biomedical Interface Training Program as well as the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Neuroscience. For more information, check out our Graduate Program and contact Dr. Aaron Boes at aaron-boes@uiowa.edu

Prospective Undergraduate Students
The Boes lab: Iowa's Neuroimaging & Noninvasive Brain Stimulation lab is currently accepting undergraduate research assistants. If you are a student at University of Iowa and are interested in applying to work as a research assistant at our lab, please contact Dr. Aaron Boes at aaron-boes@uiowa.edu!